Road Trip Planning using Trip Boss™

Online Tutorial

brought to you by Creative Algorithms

trip planning calc screenshot

Trip planning can be very frustrating without the right tools. To plan a road trip, you will need:

  • Trip Boss™ (Trip Planner Tab)

  • Road maps that include your intended route and detail distances between cities.

Alternately, instead of maps, you can use a map program that provides distances between cities, or log onto the internet and use a mapping site.

To start, determine your starting and end point. Note places of interest that you wish to visit along the way.

To plan using distance:

    1. Select your route (roads you wish to take) to your first stopping point.

    2. Using the map (or alternative), determine the mileage.

    3. Use Trip Boss™ Trip Planning calculator to determine how long this will take. You will need to enter your estimated average speed and the mileage from #2.

    4. If this is acceptable, lock the Distance, and enter any extra stopping time to the Time. Now you can enter departure or arrival times (especially if you have a constraint, such as park closings or appointments with your customer).

    5. Enter the starting and ending places.

    6. Enter this segment into Trip Boss™.

    7. Repeat as necessary.

To plan using time:

    1. Select the time you wish to spend on the road before stopping. Be sure to account for time at anything such as sights, meals, or customer visits.

    2. Enter only the time excluding stops into the Trip Boss™ Trip Planning calculator.

    3. You will need to enter your average estimated speed and Trip Boss™ will determine how far you will travel.

    4. Review your map and find a convenient location for stopping, based on the distance information.

    5. Modify the actual distance in Trip Boss™, once you have pinpointed a stopping place.

    6. Lock distance and add the stopping time back into the Time. You can now enter departure or arrival times. (Trip Boss™ will calculate whichever one you do not enter.)

    7. Enter the starting and ending places.

    8. Enter this segment into Trip Boss™.

    9. Repeat as necessary.

To plan using set departure and arrival times:

    1. Select the time you plan to leave and when you would like to stop.

    2. The time will be calculated. Lock the Depart and Arrive times. The Time will automatically be locked.

    3. You will need to enter your average estimated speed and Trip Boss™ will determine how far you will travel.

    4. Review your map and find a convenient location for stopping, based on the distance information.

    5. Depending on which is more constrained (your departure or arrival time), unlock one of these. This will unlock the Time lock.

    6. Modify the actual distance in Trip Boss™, once you have pinpointed a stopping place, which will recalculate the time and also the Departure or Arrival time that is unlocked.

    7. If you would like to include stops in your time, follow step one, but in step two, only lock the more constrained of Depart or Arrival times. Subtract the stopping time from Time. Follow steps 3-4. Adjust your distance from the map, lock the distance, then add in any stopping time to have the Departure or Arrival time recalculated (whichever is unlocked.)

    8. Enter the starting and ending places.

    9. Enter this segment into Trip Boss™.

    10. Repeat as necessary.

Determine average speed when you have distance and time constraints.

    1. Enter the time and distance you wish to travel. The speed will be calculated.

    2. Review the speed. If it is acceptable (i.e. not exceeding the speed limit, or seems reasonable, based on the roads you plan to take and the estimated stopping time), then you can set your departure or arrival time and the other will be calculated.

    3. If this is not acceptable, lock the more constrained of time or distance and adjust the speed to a more reasonable number. Review the changes and adjust your plans accordingly.

    4. You can also use the estimated speed as a guideline during the course of your trip, to keep the segment on track.

After you have finished mapping out your trip, you can use the information to make reservations for lodging, such as hotels or campgrounds; restaurants; and others. As you determine availability of such items, you can modify your trip segments as necessary.
Have a good trip!

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